Do you have a designer handbag that you aren’t crazy about? Some trendy wedges that didn’t end up fitting as well as you’d hoped? A gorgeous dress that doesn’t fit your style anymore? Well, you’ve come to the right place. For years, I’ve been reselling items on eBay in order to make space in my closet and recoup a generous percentage of the retail price. In my experience, the best way resell designer items is online. At first, it can be a bit tricky to navigate eBay and designer resale sites – but I promise you will get a lot more money selling your used designer goods online than you would by handing your gently-used items over to a consignment store for them to resell. Do it yourself and get more than just a small percentage of the sale. Join the millions of fashionistas that are reselling their pre-loved designer items online!
I have quite a bit of experience in designer resale online and have put together my best tips below for those of you who are ready to get rid of a few things while also recovering some of the funds you put into them. Hopefully my tips make letting go of your gently used items a little less painful!