Have you ever had trouble figuring out the correct shade of foundation for your skin? Or trouble determining which blush would be most flattering on your skin tone? It’s easy to fall in love with a foundation’s formula, but if the shade isn’t correct, the product never looks quite right. I’d like to introduce you to Estee Lauder’s Skincare Finder + Foundation Finder – two beauty tools that work together in order to take the guesswork out finding products to fit your skin. These are the same tools often used by consultants at the beauty counter to help women find the right products. Check out these innovative tools from Estee Lauder below as well as their exclusive gift with purchase from Lilly Pulitzer – only available through Macy’s!
Macy’s Estée Lauder Foundation Finder
Macy’s Estée Lauder Skincare Finder What’s even better is that Estee Lauder is offering the most adorable gift with purchase!
Here are the details of the Estée Lauder gift with purchase: Choose a free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Estée Lauder purchase through Macys.com. The free gift with purchase includes free makeup valued at $120 and a one-of-a-kind Lilly Pulitzer cosmetic bag available only through Macy’s until March 23. Women can even customize their free gift based on which color of cosmetics they prefer: subtle or bold. You can read all of the details of the exclusive gift with purchase.
I’m quite obsessed with the Lilly Pulitzer cosmetic bag! Thanks for reading about the Estee Lauder + Lilly Pulitzer free gift and skin-matching tools! I will be writing a little review of the products included in the free gift as soon as I get home from Miami, so be on the lookout for that!
This is the perfect cosmetic case! And you get makeup worth of $120 for free added to a small purchase – that’s amazing!